PBS Offers Advertisers "Integrated Buys"– Tell the PBS Board and Ombudsman to Help Stop the Ads!

PBS officials better watch a re-run of Frontline’s “The Persuaders.” Each day, there is another trade article on how PBS is embracing commercial marketing. Today, it’s MediaBuyerPlanner which reports that the non-commercial network is “offering sponsors increased exposure through integrated buys that include product tie-ins, the internet, podcasts, and longer-form sponsorship messages.”

We think PBS officials need a wake-up call. They believe that the public doesn’t really care about its drive towards greater commercial marketing–on TV, its websites, and other digital services. Let ’em know that they are dishonoring the mission of public broadcasting. Email PBS ombudsman Michael Getler. Track down PBS Board members and tell them to reverse course. Send a message to your Congressperson (those still in office!) that they should prohibit PBS and NPR from running advertising–online and off.

Source:  PBS Increasingly Open to Ads.  Oct. 3, 2006

Author: jeff

Jeff Chester is executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy. A former journalist and filmmaker, Jeff's book on U.S. electronic media politics, entitled "Digital Destiny: New Media and the Future of Democracy" was published by The New Press in January 2007. He is now working on a new book about interactive advertising and the public interest.

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