Some commentators–and groups funded by online marketers that target teens–are worried that proposals to the FTC and Congress that adolescent privacy be protected will somehow create a system that requires forms of age verification online. The coalition of leading consumer, child advocacy, health and privacy organizations filing comments at the FTC last week aren’t calling for the parental permission paradigm used by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act [COPPA] be extended to teens. But there are many online commercial services specifically targeting adolescents–that’s their target market. It’s those sites and services specifically focused on adolescents that we want to have better privacy safeguards.  We want those sites to be governed by an opt-in regime that gives teen users meaningful control of how their information is collected and utilized. Those sites should be required to engage in the Fair Information Principles known as “data use minimization.” Commercial sites targeting adolescents should make its data collection practices fully transparent and under the control by the teen (including a truly accessible privacy policy). In another words, a privacy safeguard regime that really should be available for everyone. Teens are ‘ground zero’ for much of digital marketing–for examples see our site: [especially the update section]. If you look at the reports on that site, you will see that the most recent scholarly thinking is that brain development in adolescents occurs much later than what was once thought. They don’t have the ability to effectively understand the intent of highly sophisticated interactive marketing and the corresponding data collection which underlies contemporary digital advertising. That’s why empowering them so they can protect their privacy strengthens their rights.