That’s from a story written by Silicon Alley Insider. As YouTube further transforms into more of a deep-pocketed brand friendly online video service, it will be important to identify how it tries to better serve advertisers (via data collection, targeting, placement, etc.). Here’s an excerpt from the story [our emphasis]:
“Take a good, long look at YouTube’s homepage. You may not recognize it soon…Advertising sources say YouTube is revamping the homepage to accommodate a huge new banner ad that will span the entire width of the page. The ad will [sic] is roughly the same height as the current video ad unit on the upper right of the page, and designed to accommodate high-definition video… Sources who have seen the unit describe it having multiple tabs that activate when rolled over by a cursor.
YouTube is …offering inaugural sponsors a deal to buy the new unit for roughly the same price as the old, or about $200,000 a day… Industry observers think that News. Corp.’s MySpace is getting more than a $1 million for takeover ads on its homepage.”
source: “YouTube Finally Figures Out How To Make Money: Big Ads On Its Homepage.” Michael Learmonth. Silicon Alley Insider. August 28, 2008