Google’s YouTube now offers advertisers ability to do “Buzz Targeting”

excerpt from YouTube May 13, 2008 press release: “As part of our continued efforts to experiment with new ways to provide value to YouTube advertisers, today we’re announcing one such new product: buzz targeting…YouTube’s …algorithm…determines which YouTube partner videos are quickly becoming popular on the site and about to go viral. The algorithm looks at several factors, such as acceleration of views, favorites, and ratings activity, and then allows advertisers to target their ads specifically to these videos on YouTube.

“Every advertiser hopes that their campaign will to be the next big viral hit online, and they come to YouTube to reach the millions of video viewers who are on the site everyday,” said Rajaraman [Shiva Rajaraman, YouTube Product Manager]. “Buzz targeting lets them do both at the same time. They associate their brand with the hottest content of the day, while reaching the most engaged users in our community.”

and from Online Media Daily: “YouTube buzz targeting works on an algorithm that looks at a number of viewer activities, including how many times a video is chosen as a favorite, how favorably it’s rated, and how quickly it picks up views, to determine which clips are about to “go viral.” Advertisers can capitalize on the momentum by choosing to run overlay ads on these videos, with the possibility of combining buzz targeting with other options like time of day, gender and category targeting.”

source: Advertisers Get Buzzed On YouTube With New Targeting Capability. Tameka Kee. Mediapost. May 14 2008

Author: jeff

Jeff Chester is executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy. A former journalist and filmmaker, Jeff's book on U.S. electronic media politics, entitled "Digital Destiny: New Media and the Future of Democracy" was published by The New Press in January 2007. He is now working on a new book about interactive advertising and the public interest.

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